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How to create User Roles and Permissions

This Guide will help you create user specific roles and permissions in LiveReach AI. By defining roles and assigning specific permissions, you can control access to features and data, ensuring that users have the appropriate level of access for their responsibilities. In this guide, we'll walk through the process of creating user roles and setting permissions.

Creating User Roles

Log in into your user account.
Click on settings (gear icon) at the bottom left corner of the home screen. You should be able to see Account Settings Page.
Within Account Settings, Click on the Roles Tab.
Click the Create button to create a new role.
On this page, enter a Role name.
Pick the necessary permission rules for the role you are creating (Ex: viewing cameras, creating cases etc)
Optional : Select "Admin", if you need these users to have administrator privileges (i.e. all rules applied for admin).
Once you are finished configuring the role, click on next.

Role Action Permissions

Select specific Locations and Cameras, you want to limit viewing to for the role you're creating

Role Location/Camera Permissions

Click on Save, after selecting the cameras and locations.

Creating User Accounts

Click on the settings (gear icon) at the bottom left corner of the home screen. You should be able to see Account Settings Page.
With in Account Settings, Click on Users Tab.
Click on the Create Button to create new users.

Creating a User

Fill in the form details: Name, E-mail address, Phone number and Password.
Select a User Role for this user.
Once you are done, click on "Save Changes."

If you encounter any errors / facing difficulties when following this guide, feel free to reach out to LiveReach AI Support. We can do it on your behalf.

Role Permissions

Each user account is associated with a role, and each role has specific permissions. Below are the different types of predefined roles with certain restrictions attached to them


Administrator roles have full access to the app, including access to all features & all of your locations in the LiveReach App.

Location Role

Location roles only have access to an assigned location. For example, if you want users to only view cameras and access features relevant to their location, create a role called Location Managers and make sure to check "Location Role" when creating and choosing permissions. In the Users tab, you can assign the Location Managers role by clicking on edit (pencil icon), and you will be able to specify which location they will have access to.

Assign a location to Location based role


Here's a comprehensive table detailing each permission and its function, categorized by type:

View Only

Permission NameDescription
View CamerasAllows viewing of live streams.
View Camera GroupsAllows viewing of camera groups in the live page.
View WallsAllows viewing of video walls.
View MapsPermits viewing of maps in the live page.
View CasesAllows viewing of all cases in the cases tab.
View AlarmsPermits viewing of alarms in the alerts tab.
View Global SharesAllows viewing of all shares in the shares tab.
View ConfigurationView Access to configuration tab.
View API KeysPermits viewing of API keys.


Permission NameDescription
Share LiveEnables the sharing of live streams.
Share HistoricalAllows sharing of playback, clips.
Share WallAllows sharing of video walls.
Share MapEnables sharing of maps in the live page.
Share CaseAllows sharing of cases in the cases tab.


Permission NameDescription
Manage CamerasCan manage camera config, adding or deleting cameras.
Manage Camera GroupsEnables creation, editing, and deletion of camera groups.
Manage ServersAllows management of servers, including making changes to server config.
Manage UsersCan manage users, including adding, removing, and making changes to user accounts.
Manage NotificationsAllows management of notification preferences in settings.


Permission NameDescription
Create WallEnables the creation of video walls.
Create MapAllows creation of maps in the live page.
Create CaseEnables the creation of cases in the cases tab.
Create AlarmAllows creation of alarms in the alerts tab.
Create API KeyAllows creation of API keys.

Updated on: 30/04/2024

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